July 12, 2007

It Gets Easier

I can say that, despite the fact that my almost two year old is throwing a world class tantrum on the floor next to me. (Don't worry, I made sure she can't hurt herself). It really does get easier. Pamela still doesn't sleep through the night on a regular basis, but thanks to the Celexa and a decision to sleep in the living room, I'm dealing with the lack of sleep much better. I'm not losing my temper at 1:30 in the morning because I'm still awake. Instead I'm patiently rocking my tiny baby while she fusses or nurses. In true toddler fashion, Alexis throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way, but she will soon learn they don't work on mommy. I tell her it's okay to be mad, and she can come talk to me when she's done throwing her fit. It seems to be working. I'm starting to find it entertaining, rather than daunting, that I'm not making any progress with my laundry. Really, it's the best way to deal with the fact that I'm washing the same clothes over and over again, simply because I have to keep up with what gets thrown up on or pooped on. Hooray for mommy hood. As I shake off these baby blues, I'm finding more enjoyment in my day to day activities. I'm even managing to find the patience I need to teach my oldest to use the potty. It really is an exciting time, and I'm so glad that I'm able to get my head back into the game. I could be missing out on so much right now, but because I decided to not let the depression take over, I'm enjoying every amazing and frustrating moment. It's fantastic. Sanity is a good thing.

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