July 19, 2007

"Sleep when the baby sleeps."

Ha! That piece of advice is priceless when you have your first baby. It makes perfect sense, and it makes life a heck of a lot less stressful. However, it's just cruel to say to a person that has just had their 2nd+ baby. Especially when the oldest sibling is still in diapers. Between diapers, nursing, preparing meals, baths, laundry, dishes, playing, cleaning, being puked on, getting screamed at by a toddler, there's no realistic possibility for the luxury of mommy-naps. Heck, lately I haven't even had the luxury of sleeping in my own bed. Granted, I do get better sleep out on the couch, I really miss sleeping with my husband without a giant toddler sprawled between us. I think this weekend, this 'granola' mom(thanks for the term Liz and Elyse) will be revisiting CIO(cry it out). I love my girls dearly, but it's time for mommy and daddy to have their bed back. I think Alexis is loved enough that letting her CIO for a couple of nights shouldn't be too traumatic. (I'm sure there's some book that would call me a terrible mother). Whatever. I'm doing everything I know how to be a good mother, and I thinking getting more quality sleep is a step in the right direction. I'm sure I'll have far more patience and tolerance if I could just sleep comfortably in my own bed. I just hope that my husband and I have the strength to resist her tantrums long enough to get her adjusted to sleeping on her own again. Keep your fingers crossed for us that we survive this next adventure in parenthood.


Anonymous said...

omg. you're so right. every word... right! lol. i hate when ppl tell that.


Nicole said...

Amen to the napping advice that no longer applies when you're past your first child. Right now I can barely get a meal in for myself, let alone a nap ;)