April 30, 2008


As some of you may know, my husband lost his job 5 weeks ago. We've sent out countless resumes, made hundreds of calls, and he even just walked into some places just to see if they were hiring. Sure, there seems to be plenty of places hiring, but none of them are willing to pay wages that a family of four needs to survive on in California.

The great windfall we had in December has dwindled down to nothing. We foolishly paid off debt, started a business, and took our first vacation together as a married couple. We even lived off some of it in the slow winter months when there was little work. Yes, it went quickly, but we figured we had spent wisely and splurged only a little. How were we to know that my husband would abruptly lose his job, and we'd be thrown into poverty? We had no clue that it would be such a terrible time to invest in a business.

Because we have two little girls, we had to find some way to provide for them. After a couple of weeks with no positive job leads, we had no choice but to apply for assistance at Social Services. It took everything I had to not burst into tears when we walked through those doors. I just kept telling myself that our little girls will never remember mommy and daddy not having any money.

Surprisingly, the ladies that work at the Social Services office were pleasant and non-judgemental. They helped to put as at ease, and made us feel that everything would be okay. We thought for sure that within the 24 hours that followed our visit we would be able to buy food for our family, and have a little cash in our pockets while we continued the job search.

Well, so much for getting help from social services. Some little piece of paper we forgot to get last year when my husband purchased his vehicle is preventing us from qualifying. Surely, he'll be receiving an unemployment check soon. Ha! His former boss is contesting it and refusing to pay. So, now we await mediation from the unemployment office. Our phone isn't ringing.

Our overall plan was to exhaust job opportunities in California, then Nevada, Oregon, and then Arizona as our very last resort. Well, guess what? We seem to be fated for Arizona. The wages for the type of work my husband does are actually where they should be, and the cost of living compared to California is almost embarrassing.

We have mixed emotions about moving so far from our families. I have ailing grandparents that I do not want to leave behind. I had hoped that I could be near them for as long as they remain on this earth. Once again, I'm leaving behind everything I know to go somewhere foreign and unfamiliar. However, this time there more lives than my own to consider. This is a huge change for our children and my husband. I have my own family to consider now, and it's terrifying.


Stephanie said...

You guys will make this work... I know it. If I can help, in whatever form that might be, even an ear, please let me know. You always were here for me when I lost EVERYTHING in January. I know what it's like to except help when you just don't think it's possible. My eyes filled with tears each time someone sent Bradley a box of clothes or us a gift card. The fire took everything memory I had ever owned and then I lost my job. Stina these are very hard times. We are all very much so human beings. All my love darling. Whatever I can do, please, Steph.

Anonymous said...

Hugs Stina, you are doing the right thing. Keep your head up.

bev said...

Keep your head up and I'm sure it will all work out in the mean time.

Brittney said...

Oh Stina, I had no idea about the social services thing. I am so sorry about how things worked out (or actually didn't work out) with them.
You are a very good mother and wife, and no matter where you go or what you do, your family will be forever grateful for how awesome you are. I think this move will be fantastic. It will be something new and exciting!
Hang in there babe. If you ever need anything, you know where I am! XOXO, Britt

Agata said...

Stina, I got your message on my blog and wanted to come here and say hi and see happiness... I am so sorry to hear of what is going in your life - that is so tough when assistance is so hard to come by just when you need it most. It's ironic how much we pay out of our paychecks to support social services, yet when you need it yourself, a piece of papers stands in your way. You are in my thoughts, your family is in my thoughts. It's hard to move away from family - I just did it last year and now it's the 3 of us in another state from everyone we know. But we're happy - I got a job opportunity that was too good to pass up. And the cost of living being lower helps so much. So many, many (((hugs))) - things will get better, I promise.

Agata said...

Almost forgot to update you on Quincy. She is making an amazing recovery - she is talking much better now, writing, etc. She's making incredible progress and I guess she's an interesting "case" at the hospital because of how unusual her stroke was - it's rare that a stroke doesn't affect the dominant side of your brain. So we all know that she'll be better in no time. I was just chatting with her, I will pass on your well wishes. :)

Unknown said...

Mama Stina--

What happened to the company you started? I suggest selling it on BizTrader.com. It's an online global marketplace where you can buy, sell, and invest in small business. Or in your case, sell. It's really inexpensive to sell your business, and often there's a free listing available. Check it out and the best of luck for you and your family.