April 18, 2007

I Can Really Do This!

For those of you that don't know, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes about 3-4 weeks ago. It was frustrating news to receive, because when a woman becomes pregnant, she tries everything in her power to do everything 'right'. I'm now on week 4 of trying to control my glucose, and believe I can finally declare success! Last week the doctors wanted to put me on insulin to try and control my glucose levels. They weren't concerned with my scores throughout the day, but more so with my overnight/fasting glucose. Since I'm allergic to sulpha drugs, I was not a candidate for the oral medications to control glucose, so immediately became a candidate for insulin. I was completely crushed by this news. Not only did it mean I would have to stab myself with a needle on a nightly basis, but it meant a big change in the whole birth process. Insulin would mean no more midwife care, that I would be seen by doctors instead. Insulin would mean a scheduled induction date, because insulin ages the placenta, and they wouldn't want me to go past term. Both of these ideas absolutely broke my heart. I broke down crying in the midwife's office, because this was not how I wanted my pregnancy to go. I was so looking forward to the birth that I didn't get to have with my first. I didn't want doctor care, because in my opinion, and small experience doctors seem to take more invasive measures. Not only do I feel them to be more invasive, but I feel they treat pregnancy more like an illness than an event. I didn't want to be induced again. I was induced with my daughter, and it was terrible. Plus, not only would I have to be induced, but being on insulin meant that I couldn't have a water birth, which is the birth I've dreamed of from the time I found out I was pregnant with Alexis back in 2005. Since this may be our last pregnancy, I really wanted the chance to at least attempt the birth I've thought about for so long. After hearing why starting insulin was so upsetting to me, my midwife went to bat for me. She went and spoke with some of the doctors in the practice, and bought me another week. She told me that if I used this week to get my glucose levels under control, that I could avoid the insulin and remain in the care of midwives. Not only did she buy me another week, but she gave me the tools I would need in order to be successful. It was all really simply too. All I changed was what I ate before going to bed. She told me exactly what to eat, and it worked! Now, my morning glucose levels are perfect! I'm feeling so good right now that I was able to get my GD under control with diet alone. It's an amazing feeling, and I believe it's given me the tools I need to avoid having diabetes later on in life.

1 comment:

jolibe said...

I am so glad to hear that your midwife stood up to the doctors! And - that she was able to help you get the GD under control with diet! Sounds like you have a really good midwife to help you through this...that's awesome! I hope the remaining weeks of your pregnancy go smoothly and that you are able to enjoy them as much as possible!