June 18, 2007

My Life Postpartum

It's a bittersweet moment right after birth. After months of anticipation and planning, this new life was placed in my arms. She's perfect and beautiful. Just as I pictured she would be. As happy as I was to finally be holding my newborn baby in my arms, I was also sad that I would no longer feel her moving within me. It was the same feeling I had after giving birth to my first daughter. Nobody had told me I would feel this way, and I didn't expect to miss it as much as I do. As the months go on, I know this feeling won't be as strong, but it will always remain. Part of me wonders though, if maybe this empty feeling can be a part of what causes some women to suffer from postpartum depression. Once our children are born we are thrust into motherhood, without even really having a chance to mourn our 'pregnant life'. Perhaps it seems like a silly thing to mourn, and I don't mean to sit around crying over this. I mean just taking the time to acknowledge that the sensation of that little being growing inside of you is gone. All of the excitement around you is transferred, and once again you're just an ordinary person. Yes, you're a mother now, but it doesn't provide you any special treatment. This is the time for the baby to shine, as it should be. Babies are always exciting, and should be celebrated. I'm not negating that. I just think that there should be a chance for new mothers, if need be, to express the sadness they feel for their now empty womb. And even if that time doesn't come, I think they should at least know that it's normal, and that their feelings are valid.

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