August 1, 2007

1:36 AM

I should be enjoying a little bit of sleep right now, but I can't. As exhausted as I am, I am unable to fall asleep. What's really unfair about not being able to sleep right now, is that both my girls are sound asleep. The only thing keeping me awake is this terrible migraine. I'm sure staring at this computer screen isn't helping, but I'm desperate for something to pass the time while I wait for the medication to kick in. What I am thankful for is that I'm not having a migraine in the middle of the day, when I have to care for two kiddos with lots of demands. This time of day/night, I can suffer in peace. If it passes before 'morning', then tomorrow should still pan out to be a productive day. (Morning doesn't begin in my book until I've gone to sleep and have woken up again). Dealing with migraines is one of the sacrifices I've made so that I can have two beautiful girls. The only medication that has ever worked in preventing them isn't safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding. Some would argue that I should just quit breastfeeding, and get back on my medication. Sure, that argument does make sense, but I want more for my children. The way I see it, what's a few days a week of misery compared to a life time of benefits? If I've withstood almost 3 years of chronic migraines without the relief from medication, what is one more year? Admittedly, I do get less done because of my migraines, but the girls don't seem to mind. For Alexis, it means more snuggle time with mommy. All in all, I suppose I really don't have any room to complain. I've said to many people that if they weren't willing to take necessary steps to fix their problems, then I wasn't really interested in hearing them whine. So, I suppose I should take a lesson from my own book, and just suck it up. Sleep will come soon enough. (Hopefully before the baby wakes).

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm so sorry you are suffering with those, Stina!! I had my worst migranes when I was preg with Maddux and they are the worst, so the fact that you are 'sucking it up' means a lot, cuz that pain is not fun. You are doing what is best for your girls (by nursing them instead of taking meds)...I'm a firm believer of the huge benefits of breastfeeding too. That is not to say that you are not making a huge sacrifice would be easy to stop nursing and start meds now, and since you haven't done that yet, you are to be commended!!!