August 19, 2007

Liquid Play-doh

I'm sitting here, munching on a bowl of cereal as my midnight snack. Instead of my usual 2% organic milk, I'm slurping my cereal up with soy milk. (Which is also organic). There is definitely something lackluster about my usual late night indulgence.

Earlier this evening, I poured myself a small glass of this swill, so I could taste it by itself. It was terrible. To me, it tasted exactly like play-doh. Chilled, liquefied play-doh. After complaining to some friends of mine about it, they suggested to me that I try the vanilla soy milk, because it's supposed to taste better than the regular stuff. Well guess what?? This was the vanilla soy milk. If this is supposed to taste better than plain soy milk, I shudder to think of the damage it could do to my taste buds. Bleh.

This stuff is awful, yet I must drink it. At least for a couple of weeks while I give up dairy. Little Pam-pam has had the most painful gas since she's been born, and her pedi suggested it could be because of dairy. So, for the sake of my daughter's comfort and health, I'm being especially careful about the kinds of foods I'm putting into my body. I'm not really going to miss milk as much as I'm going to miss cheese. Mmmm....cheese. Heavenly cheese. In my opinion, cheese is the tastiest and most diverse food around. It just can't be beat, but I'll have to resist it's temptations for another 9+/- months which saddens me. Of course, cutting out all of this dairy may make for a skinnier me.

I had a hard time finishing the glass of 'milk' I had poured for myself, and figured I'd try pawning some of it off on my little toddler. She actually enjoyed it, and finished off the glass for me. I was a little surprised at first, but then I remembered that she's actually eaten playdoh. It made no difference to her that it was in liquid form. She seemed completely unfazed.


Anonymous said...

THAT was funny! Coming from another mom whose kid loves some soy milk, plain, gagtastic, soy milk.

Anonymous said...

yuck, soy sucks!

i've heard that rice milk is a bit better...

but luckily you can drink regular moo-juice now again!