August 2, 2007

You wanna fight about it?

I have definitely matured a great deal within the span of just 5 years. Today was an excellent example of how different I am from when I was 21. I had spent a wonderful day with my grandmother today. I took her to a doctor appointment, and then we enjoyed a pleasant lunch with my girls. After lunch I had to stop at the UPS store to send off a fax. (That fax is the start of something great, by the way). Any way, my grandmother offered to sit in the car with the girls so I wouldn't have to unload them. Since it was as hot as the surface of the sun today, I left my car running so that I could leave the A/C on. I got out of my car, and I heard someone say something to me. I couldn't make out what they said, but knew they were talking to me. It had sounded to me like he had said, 'turn your motor off', but I wasn't sure. When I looked over at the man sitting in the car next to me, he hollered "turn your damn motor off, I'm trying to talk on the phone!"
A few short years ago, I would have told that idiot where he could shove his phone and then proceed to lay into my car horn until he left or became confrontational. I wouldn't have cared, then, if he decided to get up in my face and scream at me. I'd spent many years of my life being trained to fight, and even spent a short time in the Marines. I would have welcomed some self centered jerk into my bubble. Now, I don't have the luxury of calling someone out on what an ass they're being. Perhaps if I didn't have the girls or my 89 year old grandmother with me, I would have given him a serving of "shut the hell up", but I couldn't put them in that position. Instead, I took in a deep breath and replied "not gonna happen, I've got my babies in the car." I walked away before my tongue could get me into trouble. Every part of me wanted to let him know what a self serving jerk he was being, and how dare he think he has the right to tell me what to do! There's only two 'people' I let tell me what to do, and even then it's only when 'they' are looking. Number one being Uncle Sam and number two being 'the Man'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a jerk! Good for you for being able to hold it together. I'm pretty much a non-confrontational person, but I would had a hard time stuffing it in this situation too. I just "love" people who think about no one but themselves!